Are you ready to record and mix DRUMS like a ROCKSTAR?
Are you recording drums in your own studio?
Have you ever been in the middle of you recording session and thought
"Hmm... I wonder what these drums would sound like if we tried something different. It might be cool to mic up the drums differently."
But there just isn't time! You are on the clock and the client is waiting.
So you go with the usual setup. Maybe next time you say...
Have you excitedly pulled up drum sounds for a tracking session and discovered that the drummer's kit just doesn't sound right?
Something about them is not exciting enough, or they just sound flabby or out of tune.
But no one on your session really knows how to tune the kit properly. So you just run with it an hope you can fix it in the mix...
Or maybe you start to mix the drums and discover that the phase is all over the place, and your drums just don't seem to sound clear and punchy?
So you just start mixing and hope for the best...
Do you spend hours and hours mixing your song, putting tons of effort into the eq and the fx, getting the vocal to sound interesting and the guitas to sounds wild.
You even get the mix to sounds REALLY REALLY LOUD!
But in the end your drums just sound wimpy and have no life to them?
They completely lack any punch and do'nt sound anything like a real record. :-(
In fact, they totally suck!!
The band walks into the listen and everyone is just, well, kind of quiet. Nobody has anything good to say. So they just politely don't say anything at all.
That doesnt feel very good, does it?
But what if?
What if...

What if you knew how to get fantastic sounding drums on your recording session?
Imagine how you would feel if your client walked into the control room and said...
"Wow! The drums sound fantastic. You made me sound like a Rockstar! What did you do?"
And you answered "Oh just did a few cool tricks I learned..." :-)
Now you can come hang with us in the studio
Lij Shaw & Mike Radovsky present:
A complete course dedicated to recording and mixing drums like a pro!
Imagine having a chance to learn these great drum recording and mixing techniques without the pressure of a client breathing over your shoulder, or an impatient drummer.
Orginally we hosted a drum recording, and mixing clinic live at The Toy Box Studio in East Nashville TN. This was a day long class that covered everything you need to know to record and mix professional drums in your studio. Whether you are just starting out in a home studio, or already have experience and are looking to up your game in a bigger studio, we covered a lot of information that you need to know to be ready for anything.
I have taken all that video and edited, remixed, and remastered that whole thing down into a complete course that you can enjoy right from your own home or studio! I've added a ton of value by condensing the entire course into easy to follow chapters that you can learn from at your own pace.
Come back to watch these videos anytime while you learn and practice, Watch the full course on your own schedule from anywhere in the world. No need to make it to Nashville and a pro studio, because...
We were able to bring the studio to you!

Mike Radovsky

The Toy Box Studio

Lij Shaw
Just some of the things you will learn during the ROCKSTARS OF DRUMS clinic:
- Setup - How to setup a professional kit and position the drums for best recording results.
- Tuning - How to tune your drums for the best possible sound.
- Headphones -Mike will talk about getting the best headphone setup for drum recording with or without a click track.
- Drum Grooves - Mike will show us some drum grooves for each miking technique and how to capture them.
- Multiple Mics - Professional drum miking technique with up to 14 mics.
- Minimal Mics - Glyn Johns miking technique with 3-4 mics.
- Recorderman and Lijman - Miking technique with 2-4 mics.
- Rolling Stones and Beatles - miking technique with 2-3 mics. The "Tea Towels" Ringo Kit.
- Dap Kings - Soul groove miking technique with a single mic!
- Mixing Drums - Templates and techniques for mixing drums in your DAW session.
- Intro To Beat Detective - A look at fixing the timing on drums for those times when you need it.
So what makes this Drum Clinic webinar replay awesome?
We recorded the whole thing from the studio! You will be able to see and hear everything we recorded and mixed.
Yup... You will be able to see Lij, Mike, the studio, the drums, and my Pro Tools screen while listening to 44.1kHz 320mbps studio quality stereo audio!

Watch from the comfort of your own home, studio, laptop, or iOS & Android device.
We have been seriously geeking out over here for weeks, figuring out the best way to bring you an awesome video experience from directly inside the studio.
And we used a multi cam, and multi audio setup that will make you feel like you are there hanging out with us all day!
- See what we are seeing in the studio.
- Hear what we hear in the studio.
- Feel like you are there hanging out with us, and learn a ton!
- Add your comments inside the course and interact with the other Rockstars in the discussion area.

If you tried to make all this happen yourself:
- Hire a Pro Nashville session studio drummer.
- Find a Chart breaking producer/ engineer and team to teach you all the tricks.
- Book a Grammy awarded recording studio with killer drums, awesome microphones, and a vintage console for a full day.
- Plus deal with a weekend of travel, hotels, and dining ...
It could easily cost you $$$ THOUSANDS $$$ !
But now you can get the ROCKSTARS OF DRUMS Complete Course
This is the complete course with video and hi res audio, fully synced, edited, and remixed.
This is a major upgrade from the live webinar experience! And you get the whole thing...
for ONLY $97
If you have questions just email me: lij@recordingstudiorockstars.com
See you in the studio Rockstars!
Some of what you will learn in Rockstars Of Drums:

Here is what Rockstars have had to say about some of our clinics...

Hey Lij,
I wanted to thank you again for the mixing clinic this weekend! I learned so much, and actually was able to implement some of the techniques yesterday. I got an invite to audition for a band in town, and got the raw instrumental tracks. I wrote lyrics/vocals and tracked those over the music. I was able to get my vocals to sit MUCH better in the mix, so THANK YOU! I have a million miles to go, but damn it, I love it man. I also listened to your podcast this morning... Super inspirational, and really informative. I'm hooked for sure!
Thanks again man for all you do, and for giving a glimpse under the hood to burgeoning engineers such as myself.Cheers,Jones

The "Mix Clinic" helped me realize that a lot of the technics I use in my own studio is right on the money. Great to know for someone that works alone and hasn't received any formal training. I must say that some of the material is very deep and will require much more thought and replays...
I watched the "Virtual Mix Clinic Webinar" one week after the real deal in Nashville. I must say Lij, you and Josh hit a homerun with the "Mix Clinic"! It's so cool! While watching, it felt like I was right there hanging out with the big dogs! So much information stuffed inside the 8 hour block of training. Great bang for the buck! This is a must see for any "Recording Studio Rockstar" wanting to take their recordings to the next level. Highly recommended!!! Mike Dillon 54W
If you are not 100% satisfied with the course, you can email me within 30 days and I will refund your money in full. I only want you to do this if you really enjoy Rockstars Of Drums and it helps you take your drum recording and mixing to the next level. So enroll in this course with this no risk offer, and feel like a Rockstar of the recording studio!
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