Skadoosh! Testimonials

Thanks so much for listening to Skadoosh! Here are some great things Rockstars have said about the record.
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Thanks for the great deal!! Short but very sweet! I'm on my second listen now. Holy Blimp is my favorite so far.

Hey Lij! Just downloaded "Skadoosh", very nice buddy. I looked all over for that album, no wonder I never found it. Great chops man, and Corey's solid too... Might be time to start working on the next project, your fans will be waiting! 1st release, hard to believe... Thanks for finally releasing it. Much respect!!! Killer album buddy!!! Mike Dillon 54W

Wow! What a GREAT album! I was skeptical on buying it at first because I normally don't purchase music without listening to clips first, but I said to myself "What the HAY!" Since purchasing it, I've listened to it everyday in my car! Great job Lij! I love the guitar tones and love that fat snare sound!
"Album of the Year" in my book!

THIS IS AWESOME! THIS ABSOLUTELY ROCKS! Reference guitartones everywhere! MAN!!! it really sounds like a LOT OF FUN!
This is a real badass rock record!
Count me in on T-Shirts!
Greetz from good ol germany,

The album is a blast all the way through. Catchy and fun, it isn't possible to listen to the album without being in a better mood than before it started.
A little bluesy, a lot of bounce. Poppy instrumental jams that could be the theme songs to the best cartoons you've never seen. Pure fun.

I want to see this band live!!
Like the New Mastersounds of Rock! Great Rock instrumentals with very hooky guitars. The guitar tones are amazing! The groove on Holy Zeppl... I mean Blimp blows me away!

SO proud of you brother! I loved the tunes!! You layer guitars nicely! And you have a very signature sound!

I'm so psyched to finally get to hear Black Sabotage all the way through. :)
Great bunch of songs, although I notice you subscribe to the "Ramones" school of song length!
Hope you sell a bunch...

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