RSR098 – Summer NAMM 2017 – Warren Huart, Matt Boudreau, Larry Crane, Roswell Pro Audio, Pete Woj, Chris Selim, Dane Myers, Rob Christensen, Kirk Teachout, Lilly Hiatt, and many others! - Recording Studio Rockstars

RSR098 – Summer NAMM 2017 – Warren Huart, Matt Boudreau, Larry Crane, Roswell Pro Audio, Pete Woj, Chris Selim, Dane Myers, Rob Christensen, Kirk Teachout, Lilly Hiatt, and many others!

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Lij Shaw and friends go to Summer NAMM 2017 Nashville TN to learn what's new.

Join me and my friends as I head off to Summer NAMM 2017 in Nashville TN. This is the National Association of Music Merchants and a great opportunity to learn about the newest instruments, amps, hardware and software in the music industry. This year I was fortunate to host a large group of guest audio bloggers, Youtubers, podcasters, producers, and mastering engineers at my studio, The Toy Box Studio. I also got a chance to interview Matt McGlynn from Roswell Pro Audio microphones, and ask some fun questions of random conference goers.

Also here are some great NAMM videos from my friends Chris Selim and Pete Woj too!

Links to people and places we talked about on the show:

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