RSR071 – Chris King – Poetry Scores & Field Recording With Lij Shaw - Recording Studio Rockstars

RSR071 – Chris King – Poetry Scores & Field Recording With Lij Shaw

Chris King
RSR071 - Chris King - Poetry Scores & Field Recording With Lij Shaw

Chris King is a songwriter, music and film producer, and award winning author. He also happens to be the singer in my St Louis bands, Enormous Richard, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Three Fried Men.

Chris has produced or co-produced musical adaptations of the poetry of Gertrude Stein, Pulitzer laureate Paul Muldoon, Missouri Poet Laureate David Clewell, Australian poet laureate Les Murray and Connecticut Poet Laureate Leo Connellan. He directed two feature silent films for Poetry Scores "Blind Cat Black," which scores the Turkish poet Ece Ayhan, and "Go South for Animal Index," which scores the Salt Lake City / St. Louis poet Stefene Russell.

He co-produced "No Dark in America" by legendary jump blues musician Rosco Gordon (Dualtone, 2002). He served as executive producer on St. Louis raconteur Fred Friction's "Murder Balladeer" and on "Just Piping" by All-Ireland piper Michael Cooney, and he produced "Memory Music" by Merchant Marine songster Pops Farrar, the father of Jay Farrar (Uncle Tupelo / Son Volt).

And he has done all this while working daily as the managing editor of The St. Louis American, the largest weekly newspaper in Missouri.

You can reach Chris King at:

Check out David Greenberger - The Duplex Planet​

"Poetry Scores comes out of a hunger to put other words to music that are deeper than mine." @ChrisKingSTL @MeganGohil @Nick_Barbieri

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Press the play button below to listen to the podcast episode:

And keep reading below for more videos and cool photos from the road...

Chris gives us a personal tour of The Skuntry Museum!

"To be over committed is to be uncommitted. If you always say yes, just always say no." @ChrisKingSTL @MeganGohil @Nick_Barbieri

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Photos from Hoobellatoo travels:
Enormous Richard

Enormous Richard

Chris King and Nymah Kumah in front of the church where we recorded.

Lij Shaw and Nymah Kumah

Road Food - Crab Shack in Maine.


"I always had more gigs than practices." @ChrisKingSTL @MeganGohil @Nick_Barbieri

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"As a front man. One of my signatures was always to have a long mic cord and get off the stage out into the audience." @ChrisKingSTL @MeganGohil @Nick_Barbieri

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Rosco Gordon

Rosco Gordon, Chris King, and Lij Shaw.

Chris, and Nymah by Walden Pond.


"He was right, and she was right." - Leo Connellan via @ChrisKingSTL @MeganGohil @Nick_Barbieri

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Leo Connellan at Curbstone Press.

Writing Skuntry tunes by the water with John Minkoff and Matt Fuller.

The original selfie stick!


Rosco Gordon

Fred Friction

Michael Cooney


Nymah Kumah taught us this recipe for Jolof Rice the African precursor to Jambolaya on our first field recording expedition.

Jolof Rice

Jolof Rice

"Man... Pizza is not fooood." Nymah Kumah via @ChrisKingSTL @MeganGohil @Nick_Barbieri

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