RSR097 – Will Pugh – Producing, Recording, and Mixing Top 40 Songs – Cartel - Recording Studio Rockstars

RSR097 – Will Pugh – Producing, Recording, and Mixing Top 40 Songs – Cartel

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Will Pugh talks about vocal production, recording in small spaces, and mix tricks that helped him reach the Top 40.

Will Pugh is the main songwriter in the Gold selling band, Cartel. Will is also a producer, mixer, artist, and is a friend of our previous guest Bobby Holland, with a room at the same studio, Pentavarit.

Will's records with Cartel have sold over half a million copies and he’s notched two Top 40 hits under his belt. I am psyched to be joining Will in his studio for this interview, and plan to get into some great questions about producing, recording, and mixing a top 40 hit.

"There's something instinctual and magical about music when you don't put pressure on it." @willpug @Cartel @UAudio

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"Life is about so much more than just getting paid for something. Create something that matters." @willpug @Cartel @UAudio

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Will's Site
Will's Discography

Insta: @willpug
Twitter: @willpug

Cartel's FB: @Cartel
Cartel's Twitter: @Cartel

Pentavarit Studios
Universal Audio


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