RSR112 – Brian Deck – Recording Modest Mouse, Iron And Wine, And Punk Rock in Chicago - Recording Studio Rockstars

RSR112 – Brian Deck – Recording Modest Mouse, Iron And Wine, And Punk Rock in Chicago

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Stories about the music industry in the 80s, recording in Chicago, how mixing has changed over the years, and great advice on how to capture good music!

Brian Deck is a music producer living and working in Chicago. In their early twenties, Brian and college friend Brad Wood built Idful Music Corp, an under-equipped recording studio in Chicago's Wicker Park neighborhood. Together, they recorded seminal records for Liz Phair, Red Red Meat, Shrimpboat, Tar, Sea and Cake, Tortoise and other Chicago luminaries of the 1990's.

Brian's unique music aesthetic can be heard both as a player and engineer producer on The Moon and Antarctica by Modest Mouse, Shephard's Dog by Iron and Wine, Somewhere Under Wonderland by Counting Crows, Animal by Margot and the Nuclear So & So's and All My Friends are Funeral Singers by Califone.

When not making music he cooks, runs, dads, and tries to keep his old house from crumbling. Thanks again to Brad Wood for making an introduction. You can listen to Brad’s episode after this at

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How would you like to have someone contact you because they thought a record sounded great, and saw that you helped to make it?

"Songs change and faces changes, but the problems that you're solving tend to be very similar." - Brian Deck

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