RSR128 – Nick Krill – The Spinto Band, Grammy winning War On Drugs, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Tchad Blake, and Dave Fridmann - Recording Studio Rockstars

RSR128 – Nick Krill – The Spinto Band, Grammy winning War On Drugs, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Tchad Blake, and Dave Fridmann

Nick Krill at the Helios

Nick talked about recording with Grammy winners, War On Drugs, keeping your old DAW alive, ditching your template for creativity, and the importance of going after sounds you hear in your in your head..

My guest today is Nick Krill, a brilliant song writer, producer, and engineer who lives and works in Philadelphia and New York City professionally as both a musician and producer / mixer.

He has since toured the globe as a member of various bands including The Spinto Band, Teen Men, and Clap Your Hands Say Yeah. And on the control room side of the studio glass Nick has worked as a Producer Engineer or Mixer for band such as,  The Dove and the Wolf, The Teeth, Jesse Hale Moore, Nightlands, Eliza Hardy Jones, and he also worked on the Grammy winning album, A Deeper Understanding, by The War on Drugs.

Nick Krill's Website:

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Hear Nick's Music on Youtube:

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“Try to be efficient with your wackiness.” Nick Krill on staying creative @teen_men

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