RSR179 - Charles Holloman - Muscle Shoals Now, More Than Just the Music - Recording Studio Rockstars

RSR179 – Charles Holloman – Muscle Shoals Now, More Than Just the Music

Charles talked about moving his studio to Muscle Shoals, Rick Hall and Fame Studios, 3614 Jackson Highway and The Swampers, Daniel Lanois, recording double drums, how to work with remote clients, and lots of other cool stuff!

My guest today is Charles Holloman, Audio Engineer, Producer, Musician, Songwriter and Studio Owner in Muscle Shoals, AL. Originally from Atlanta, GA graduating from Georgia State University with a recording degree he migrated to Charlotte, NC, where he operated Charles Holloman Productions (chpaudio) for over 20 years. From his studio, he recorded everything from Anthony Hamilton, Fantasia and Benji Hughes, to dialog replacement for The Simpsons, music cuts for shows like East Bound & Down, on hold messages for pharmacies and Jingles for Car Dealers and Hooters.

He’s currently operating the reopened East Avalon Recorders and renovating Widget Studio. As well as working on several projects with Rodney Hall at Fame Studios, the place that inspired him to take the journey in the first place. He’s a board member of the Muscle Shoals Music Association, and a self-described Ambassador of Everything Muscle Shoals, with a passion for preserving its history, but more importantly focusing on Muscle Shoals Now, and creating its future.

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