RSR322 - Colin Scharf - Home Studio Rockstar Success Story! - Recording Studio Rockstars

RSR322 – Colin Scharf – Home Studio Rockstar Success Story!

What can you learn from a podcast anyway? Colin talked about discovering Recording Studio Rockstars right before making his biggest record and the many things he learned from listening to the podcast while recording his band Good Night Gold Dust.

My guest today is Colin Scharf a songwriter, producer, filmmaker, author, and English professor living in Mankato, Minnesota. Colin and his wife Laura co-front the indie rock band Good Night Gold Dust, which has released five albums, toured the Midwest, shared stages with national and internationally touring acts, and gained critical acclaim from Minnesota Public Radio’s 89.3 The Current, the UK’s Clash Magazine, Atwood Magazine, and many others. 

In January 2021, Colin officially opened Gold Mine Studios. Colin will also be producing River City Holiday Volume 2 and directing a promotional music video for the Mankato chapter of the American Lung Association. It may have taken 20 years of trial and error, but Colin is excited to finally be channelling his energy into doing what he loves the most: helping people make cool music.  

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Visit the Adam Audio YouTube channel for lots of cool free interviews, tutorials, master classes and learn how to set up your studio monitors and control room.

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Listen TO THE PODCAST here⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎


Website Links:
Facebook: Colin Scharf
Instagram: @colinscharf
Facebook: @goldminestudios507
Instagram: @goldmine.studios
Facebook: @goodnightgolddust
Instagram: @goodnightgolddust
Twitter: @gngolddust

Additional podcast editing and production by:
Brayden Stremming
Vlad Vasilcenko
Jon Richardson Learn how to mix using stock and free plugins in Pro Tools. Get a look at how I recorded my song "American Winter" with downloadable multitracks to mix in your own studio and even include in your mixing portfolio. Are you ready to make your best record ever? Then go to to get started for free now!