RSR327 – Dorian Heartsong – Playing Bass With Jason Bonham and Powerman 5000 - Recording Studio Rockstars

RSR327 – Dorian Heartsong – Playing Bass With Jason Bonham and Powerman 5000

Dorian talked about how to record awesome bass in your home studio through the UAD Apollo, why you need extra highs and mids in your bass sound, how to find the groove against the drums, and lessons learned from Michael Beinhorn.

My guest today is Dorian Heartsong an American composer, producer, and multi-instrumentalist based in Los Angeles, California. As an artist, Heartsong is currently playing bass for Jason Bonham's Led Zeppelin Evening. 

He is also well known for his Bass work in Powerman 5000 from inception in 1990 until late 2001. Constant touring with bands such as Black Sabbath, Metallica, Kiss, Pantera, and Primus, helped elevate Powerman 5000's album "Tonight The Stars Revolt" to platinum status and landed songs in movie soundtracks including, Zoolander, Scream 3, and Evolution.

Dorian has also performed and recorded with other artists and producers including Everlast, Vinnie Moore, Ruby Friedman Orchestra, The Flying Tigers, Dan Rockett, Stevie Salas, Michael Beinhorn, Lior Goldenberg, Sylvia Massey, Joe Barrisi, and Terry Date. He and Stevie Salas scored the indie movie "Live Free or Die" which won Top Jury prize at SXSW film festival in 2006. Heartsong graduated from Berklee College of Music with a degree in songwriting & performance. 

Thanks so much to Lior Goldenberg for making our introduction.

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Additional podcast editing and production by:
Brayden Stremming
Vlad Vasilcenko
Jon Richardson Learn how to mix using stock and free plugins in Pro Tools. Get a look at how I recorded my song "American Winter" with downloadable multitracks to mix in your own studio and even include in your mixing portfolio. Are you ready to make your best record ever? Then go to to get started for free now!