RSR340 – Mike Fahey – Starbird Sound and Mix Assistant for Vance Powell - Recording Studio Rockstars

RSR340 – Mike Fahey – Starbird Sound and Mix Assistant for Vance Powell

Do you really need a console to mix? Mike talked about mix assisting with Vance Powell, recording to analog tape with Mitch Dane, building Sputnik Sound, mixing in the box, recording a live band in the room Glyn Johns style, and killer drum sounds.

My guest today is Mike Fahey an engineer, mixer, and producer from the great state of Maine. Michael went to college for mechanical engineering at the University Of Maine before switching over to an audio engineering degree at The New England School Of Communications (NESCOM). My first instrument was the trumpet in my elementary school band and he picked up the guitar at 11. 

In 2012, He landed an internship at Sputnik Sound after Vance Powell came to speak at NESCOM earlier that year about mixing for The Raconteurs' Consolers of the Lonely. He moved to Nashville that fall and after two months of interning was hired by Mitch Dane to be his assistant engineer. During that time, Sputnik moved to a new building in Berry Hill where he helped with construction for 7 months renovating the studio. In late 2014 Vance hired Michael as his assistant engineer and he has been with him ever since.

In May 2020 Mike started his own studio, Starbird Sound and has been able to spend time on his production projects while working full time at Sputnik.

Thanks so much to Vance Powell and Mitch Dane for making our introduction.

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Additional podcast editing and production by:
Brayden Stremming
Vlad Vasilcenko
Jon Richardson Learn how to mix using stock and free plugins in Pro Tools. Get a look at how I recorded my song "American Winter" with downloadable multitracks to mix in your own studio and even include in your mixing portfolio. Are you ready to make your best record ever? Then go to to get started for free now!