RSR347 – Trent Jones – Podcast & Music Production and Strength Training Coach - Recording Studio Rockstars

RSR347 – Trent Jones – Podcast & Music Production and Strength Training Coach

Do squats really help you mix better? Trent talked about producing podcasts and music and how strength training and routine fitness can help you stay healthy in the studio, vocal techniques for audio books, and how to use room tone for clean edits.

My guest today is Trent Jones, a podcast producer, editor, and composer based in  Chattanooga, TN. He has produced over 1,000 podcast episodes in a wide variety of formats and topics, as well as a number of audiobooks. As a  composer, he has written bumpers and music beds for podcasts and midroll advertisements. 

Trent is also a strength and conditioning coach, with a speciality in training men and women over 40 using barbells, resistance training, and high intensity interval training. After years of “working out” in public gyms and seeing little progress, Trent discovered the Starting Strength method in 2016 and began training under a Starting Strength Coach. 

He gained 40lbs of muscular bodyweight over a year and greatly improved his strength, joint health, and mental health in the process. He began coaching others in 2018, and earned the Starting Strength Coach credential himself in 2020. His passion is teaching people to lift barbells to build stronger, more useful bodies, gain confidence, and improve their quality of life for the long-haul. 

Trent currently coaches online and in-person out of his home gym. And He co-hosts two podcasts about health and fitness, Weights and Plates and 40fit Radio and also a music podcast called Music and Ideas, and regularly hosts workshops and training camps teaching the Starting Strength training method.

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Listen TO THE PODCAST here⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎


Website Links:
RSR - 20 Workouts You Can Do at Home - Trent Jones

Additional podcast editing and production by:
Brayden Stremming
Vlad Vasilcenko
Jon Richardson Learn how to mix using stock and free plugins in Pro Tools. Get a look at how I recorded my song "American Winter" with downloadable multitracks to mix in your own studio and even include in your mixing portfolio. Are you ready to make your best record ever? Then go to to get started for free now!