RSR349 – Bill Cheney – Understanding Audio Peaks at Spectra1964 - Recording Studio Rockstars

RSR349 – Bill Cheney – Understanding Audio Peaks at Spectra1964

How do you spell audio peak? Bill talked about designing for transient audio peaks at Spectra1964, why attack brings your audio to life, how to set your knobs for maximum dynamic and signal-to-noise ratio, and how the STX500 EQ is great for your mix.

My guest today is Bill Cheney co-owner with Jim Romney of Spectra1964. Bill designs mic pre amps, eqs, and compressor limiters for studios following in the footsteps of William Dilley who founded the original Spectra Sonics company in 1964. 

Bill has been a guest on the podcast before to talk about the history of Spectra Sonics and Spectra 1964 on episodes RSR227 and 269. So you should check those episodes out too and today we are going to talk about what's new at Spectra1964, the importance of understanding Peaks, how they affect your recordings, mixes, productions and ultimately masters and how Spectra1964 handles peak content to make sure your records sound amazing (like the many great records recorded with the Spectra 101 amplifier circuit including Aerosmith, ZZ Top, KISS and John Lennon to name a few. Spotify playlist in show notes).

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Additional podcast editing and production by:
Brayden Stremming
Vlad Vasilcenko
Jon Richardson Learn how to mix using stock and free plugins in Pro Tools. Get a look at how I recorded my song "American Winter" with downloadable multitracks to mix in your own studio and even include in your mixing portfolio. Are you ready to make your best record ever? Then go to to get started for free now!